If I were to ask you, “Who are you?” how would you answer? Would you tell me about your occupation? Education? Values? Passions?
What makes you, you?
This was the catalyst for the creation of my business, Kaleidadope. After defining myself for years through my engineering career and the perks that came with it, I was left wondering who I was outside of these things once I walked away to bet on myself full-time. For the last 7–8 years, I’ve been on a continuous journey of self-discovery, which is reflected in my creations in various ways.
My work as an author, illustrator, visual artist, designer, entrepreneur, teacher, and spiritual advisor are just some of the ways this self-discovery manifests itself. Even the name of this Substack (transparent & unusually good) is a reference to the literal meaning of my name in adjectives:
crystal (adj): resembling crystal; clear; transparent.
banner (adj): distinguished from all others, especially in excellence; unusually good; outstanding.
Sounds about right. 😉
The decks I’ve made are inspired by what I feel drawn to and what I’ve learned about myself. My art reflects my perspective of the world, and I’ve allowed my curiosity to continue teaching me. When you see my work, you see me—transparently.
One reason I’m so passionate about self-discovery is that if you don’t know yourself, you’re at the mercy of someone else telling you who you are. Why give your power away? Not only that, but when you get to know yourself on a deep level, there’s a sense of being grounded and unshakable. Truly being one with yourself provides the strength to say no to what doesn’t align and stand up for what you know is right.
The clarity that comes with self-discovery is unmatched. It will always remain a main source of inspiration for me and something I hope to encourage through my products and creations. NOW is the time to know who you are.
Random exercise: Look up the meaning of your name. Does it resonate or tell you something new about yourself?
Why Substack?
I’ve been meaning to share in this way for a while. I’ve been conflicted about potentially causing confusion with my many lanes, but this is a great way to share my knowledge, intuitive insights, new products, and art inspiration, among other things.
With this new administration, community will become more important than ever, and I believe this is an effective way to connect directly. This space will focus on reflection, authenticity, healing, and dope design.
I plan to share posts that fall into one or more of the following categories (rough outline, subject to change):
1. Personal Reflections
I’m an over-thinker at times and am consistently reflecting and receiving epiphanies. We all go through the ups and downs of life, and sometimes feeling seen is the best medicine.
2. Behind The Product/Piece
Sharing the creative process and the multilayered meanings behind what I create brings me joy. I’ll highlight products I’ve designed or art pieces I’ve painted and dive into the backstory.
3. Current Inspo
I’m always inspired by something.
4. Tips & Insight
While I sometimes feel like I’m winging it, I’ve learned many lessons related to spirituality, publishing, entrepreneurship, and creativity that I plan to share.
5. Card of the Week
I create affirmations, tarot and oracle decks and believe there is a huge misconception behind them. Breaking down a random card of the week will provide both a message and symbolism break down. It’s time to de-stigmatize these tools for inspiration, healing, and growth.
We just experienced 6 planets in alignment, and I guess I’m getting in formation too. I’ve come a long way and feel compelled to share my wisdom in hopes of inspiring others to embark on or continue their own journey of self-discovery.
Again, I ask: Who are you?
This will essentially be the newsletter for my personal website (krystalbanner.com). If you’re receiving this, you’ve signed up—thank you for being here!
You can also find me back on Tumblr. They don’t seem to be experiencing a mid-life crises (for now).
Until next time! ✌🏾